Talent Inclusion and Diversity Evaluation (TIDE) is the diversity and inclusion (D&I) self-assessment evaluation and benchmarking tool developed by the Employers Network for Diversity & Inclusion (enei).
TIDE measures an organisation’s approach and progress on D&I across eight areas:
- Your workforce
- Strategy and plan
- Leadership and accountability
- Recruitment and attraction
- Training and development
- Other employment practices
- Communication and engagement
- Procurement
TIDE is a flexible framework that uses inclusive language, which helps to make it relevant. TIDE requires minimal time-consuming evidence gathering and is free for enei members.
What you should know about TIDE
Some of the most frequently asked questions about TIDE are answered here.
How often should I complete TIDE?
For enei members, it may be helpful to complete TIDE at least annually, due to the value it can add to your organisation’s D&I activities. Many organisations update their entry throughout the year so they can monitor their progress and create a useful measure to report internally. If you wish to update your responses during the annual cycle, please email a request to reset your account to info@enei.org.uk.
How long does TIDE take to complete?
It will depend on your organisation and how well you know it. The average time for your first submission is likely to be around two hours. The system saves your answers, so future submissions can be processed quicker. If you have submitted in the past, the process should take less than two hours (since it will simply be a matter of updating or amending information, as necessary).
Can TIDE be used internationally?
Yes, TIDE has been designed to be suitable and relevant in all jurisdictions. The language does not refer to specific personal characteristics of diversity or legislation, so it will apply in all areas. This allows organisations to compare approaches across different operating areas.
Can TIDE be completed in other languages?
The TIDE questionnaire can be translated into different languages using a function under the accessibility button. However, the results will be provided in English. If a member would like the results translated into another language, please contact your account manager or send an e-mail to info@enei.org.uk for further details and costs.
Can I complete TIDE on my mobile phone?
The TIDE software allows you to complete the questionnaire on mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and desktops.
Is TIDE accessible?
There is a function to change contrast from the standard black writing on a white background to improve accessibility.
What evidence should I provide?
The requirement for evidence is simply to give enei the ability to audit a small number of entries. It should not be a burden. You should consider submitting documents that demonstrate your strategy, communications, approach, procedures, frameworks, and outcomes. This information will not be used to influence the score but will be used by the enei team to review a selection of entries in the audit to ensure certain standards are met. If you do submit evidence and are chosen for an audit, this will make the process faster and easier.
How is the accuracy of answers ensured?
TIDE is self-assessment, which means you must ensure you answer questions accurately. This will mean the results represent your organisation fairly. There will be an audit of 10% of the entries and changes will be made to scores, if necessary, before completing the benchmark and making any awards.
Who will my organisation be benchmarked against?
You will be benchmarked against all entries within the year of your entry. Additionally, where there are five or more entries within your sector or region, you will receive these additional benchmarks.
If there are fewer than five entries within my sector, does that mean we won’t get a benchmark?
There will be an effort made to benchmark your organisation against similar organisations. This means that if there are not enough entries in the sector you have chosen (but other organisations in another sector would create a worthwhile benchmark), enei will contact you and ask for your permission to benchmark you within that sector. We will not do this without your permission.
Can my organisation complete multiple TIDE entries for our different regions?
Yes, every enei member receives one TIDE account as a benefit. Additional accounts for different locations or divisions can be arranged without charge. If you would like to set up additional TIDE accounts, please email info@enei.org.uk.
When is the deadline for TIDE?
You can complete TIDE at any time of the year, apart from when the system is paused to take the benchmark and complete the audit. If you would like to be part of the benchmark, you should submit TIDE by 31 May. From 1 June, the system is likely to be paused until approximately 31 July each year, although the date TIDE re-opens for the next cycle will vary.
Why aren’t the questions numbered to make it easier?
TIDE uses question logic to ensure that you are only asked relevant questions based on how you have answered earlier questions. This means that there is not a single list of TIDE questions that can be numbered.
The information contained within this resource was accurate at the time of its publication. This article was created in April 2022.