Supporting an Intergenerational Workforce

This session featured Mike Douglas, Director of Social Enterprises at Age Scotland. 

This presentation covers sensitive matters associated with discrimination, so please be advised. 

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Highlights and takeaways

This session focussed on the following topics:

  • Raising awareness of the benefits and obstacles of supporting older employees. 
  • Inclusive practices for age diversity and equal opportunities. 
  • Promotion of collaboration within multigenerational workforces.
  • Age-inclusive practices in hiring, promotion, and retention and providing employees with an equitable and inclusive environment. 
  • Best practices from companies who effectively support older workers to inspire others to harness the valuable contribution of an older workforce.

Who might benefit from viewing the recording of this event?

HR, Line Managers 

Who was our guest speaker?

Headshot of Mike DouglasMike Douglas, Director – Social Enterprises, Age Scotland 

Mike is responsible for the Age Inclusive Workplaces programme at Age Scotland. 

The Age Inclusive Workplaces social enterprise enables organisations with age-related diversity and inclusion consultancy and supports older workers in areas such as retirement, inclusion and health and wellbeing. 

Prior to joining Age Scotland, Mike worked in financial services where he developed products for older people such as pensions, annuities, drawdown, and long-term care. 


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This event was presented and moderated by Hugh O’Keeffe from the enei team and featured guest speaker, Mike Douglas from Age Scotland. The session was conducted on 22 August 2023.