We base our approach on the fundamental principle that all human beings are equally human, and no human being is more or less human than any other. In a polarised world, where many assert their rights as being more important than others, it’s vital to remember that there is no hierarchy of rights, which is why we always take a balanced view.
Compliance with equality and discrimination law in the UK provides a fantastic reference point for our work. However, compliance alone will only result in tolerance, which will not create the culture of belonging that all human beings long for and is the foundation for happiness and wellbeing at work.
After all, a happy and harmonious workforce is a productive workforce.
We are here to help weave DEI into your organisation
To support our members and clients in building and maintaining diverse teams and inclusive cultures, we have designed our services through three different lenses:
- The inclusion journey.
- The employee life cycle.
- The protected characteristics and other factors that may lead to discrimination.
The inclusion journey
We work with organisations at all stages of the inclusion journey and have mapped it to ensure we can support organisations wherever they are. So suppose you’re starting out and need to get your head around the DEI landscape. In that case, we will be here to support and guide you through laying the foundations within your organisation. If you’re already part of a truly inclusive culture and want to integrate DEI into all aspects of your organisation to ensure sustainability, or if you’re somewhere in between and need support to progress your diversity, equality, and inclusion programmes and initiatives, we will be here too.
Employee life cycle
Through the lens of the employee life cycle, from job descriptions and job ads to interviews, on-boarding, retention, progression, and even exit—we have considered every part of the employee life cycle. We can advise and support the integration of DEI best practices every step of the way.
Addressing discrimination
Factors that may lead to exclusion or discrimination in the workplace (such socio-economic background, gender identity, appearance, and others) go far beyond the characteristics protected under UK equality and discrimination law. As a result, in our work we give parity to any factor that may cause exclusion or discrimination.
We work across the whole spectrum of workplace DEI
Our team of diversity, equality, and inclusion practitioners, specialist associates, and strategic partners has an unparalleled depth and breadth of knowledge and experience, and all work together to consistently deliver outstanding services.