David E Hull Watters
Job title: Associate Trainer
More about David

An associate consultant and trainer for the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion, and EMBED Inclusion, David Hull-Watters is an inclusion and wellbeing specialist who covers, amongst other topics, Neurodiversity in the Workplace, LGBTQ+ Awareness and Allyship, Conscious Inclusion, Inclusive Leadership and Recruitment, Disability Confident Practice, and Inclusive Language and Accessible Communication.
Originally a Specialist Educational Needs and Trauma Informed educator, David champions the right of every individual to achieve their fullest potential, both personally and professionally, so that they are not held back by the limiting labels imposed upon them by others.
Significantly, he is a winner of Corporate Vision’s Most Dedicated Inclusivity Trainer 2023 (UK), a Vodafone World of Difference Award, a National Diversity Award 2014, shortlisted for a European Diversity Award 2015, an Excellence in Diversity Award 2015, and the Diversity Champion Award: Education Sector at The Excellence in Diversity Awards 2017.
David is the founder and coordinator of the award-winning international Give ‘em Hope Campaign, a Marriage Equality Pioneer who successfully campaigned for a change in marriage legislation by taking a legal case to the European Court of Human Rights with Equal Love UK, and he is the Sexuality Lead for National Hate Crime Awareness Week.
Most recently, he has spoken and delivered workshops with Border Force, the British Library, British Transport Police, bulk, Cargill, Capgemini, Clear Score, Dr. Oetkir, Ericsson, Enfield Council, HATS Group, Health Recovery Solutions, Maven, the NHS, the Royal Academy of Engineering, Square Trade Ltd, SuperDry, Tisski, and the Universities of Glasgow, London and Reading, amongst others.
He is the writer of the soon to be published Never Blend In – LGBTQ+ Stories of Resilience and Empowerment, and has written the foreword for Retreating Forward: A Spiritual Practice with Transgender Persons by David Elias Weekley.
Additionally, he supports individual clients and businesses as a wellbeing coach and has created A Holistic Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing for Individuals and Organisations for the City of Edinburgh Council.
Book: https://www.inclusionconsultant.co.uk/www.inclusionconsultant.co.uk/neverblendin
NEVER BLEND IN FACEBOOK TEAM: https://www.facebook.com/groups/106980051654/
David E. Hull-Watters – Active Citizenship Video: https://youtu.be/fzC0QgOLXnk
Keynote Speaking Information: