Press Release
enei Extends a Warm Welcome to Our New Trustees
The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei) welcomes five new trustees to its Board as the charity continues to embark on its ambitious growth phase, upholding its focus on creating UK workplaces that are truly inclusive.
13 April 2022
Research and Report
Inclusive Leadership
In 2016, enei commissioned research with assistance from 11 participating organisations.
11 April 2022
Research and Report
The Lived Experience of the Returner Talent Pool
In 2020, MyKindaFuture (MKF) and enei published The Lived Experience of the Returner Talent Pool. This research was based on a survey conducted with a focus group of anonymous returners. A returner is someone who has come back to the workplace after taking a career break. The results of the survey were gathered into a report that examined the lived experience of returners.
11 April 2022
Research and Report
Analysis Function Diversity and Inclusion Survey Results
On 6 April 2022, the Government Analysis Function (AF) published the results of its fourth Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) survey.
7 April 2022
Research and Report
Inclusive Britain: The Government’s Response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities
On 17 March 2022, the Government published its Inclusive Britain policy paper to address racial and ethnic disparities and ensure fairness in the UK.
23 March 2022
What Does It Take to be a Neurodiverse Leader?
In honour of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, our CEO Sandi Wassmer shares her experiences of being a leader with ADHD.
14 March 2022
Can LGBTQ+ Rights and Religious Belief Rights Coexist in the Workplace?
For LGBT History Month, our CEO Sandi Wassmer explores what happens when LGBT+ rights and religious beliefs are in conflict.
24 February 2022
Holocaust Memorial Day: A Time for Reflection, Remembrance, and Action
For Holocaust Memorial Day, our CEO Sandi Wassmer shares her hopes for a world without discrimination.
26 January 2022
The Human Model of Ability
After welcoming newly appointed Sandi Wassmer as CEO on 23 November 2020, enei asked Sandi to write about her experience with disability as this month enei raise awareness for disability within the workplace.
30 November 2021
National Coming Out Day
National Coming Out Day is an annual observance on 11 October to recognise and celebrate queer identities in order to decrease stigma, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. In this blog post, Emma Jennings, enei Diversity and Inclusion Lead, explains how coming out can be tiring…
12 October 2021