Welcome to our hub of exclusive resources and inspiration designed to help our member organisations commemorate all significant dates related to gender.

Welcome to enei’s Gender Equality Hub.
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Resources and information
Employer Guides
- Diversity Monitoring – This guide aims to help organisations better understand the process and the role of diversity monitoring in creating more inclusive workplaces within the UK.
- Equality Act 2010 – The Equality Act 2010 was introduced in England, Scotland, and Wales to simplify equality law in Great Britain.
- Gender and Employment – This guide explains key areas surrounding gender and employment.
- Menopause in the Workplace – This guide aims to help you understand the impact of menopause on your organisation’s employment policy.
Quick Guides
- Allyship – Women – The purpose of this quick guide is to provide an explanation of allyship for women and its importance in the workplace.
- Gender Expression – This guide provides an overview of gender expression.
- Gender Pay Gap Reporting – This quick guide offers information from the Government Equalities Office about gender pay gap reporting requirements.
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – This quick guide can help inform your workplace about the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
- International Non-Binary People’s Day – This quick guide can help inform your workplace about International Non-Binary People’s Day, which is celebrated annually across the globe.
- International Women’s Day – This quick guide can be used to help inform your workplace during International Women’s Day (IWD).
- Pregnancy and Family Responsibilities – It is illegal for employers to discriminate because of pregnancy or maternity. This guide provides an overview of the equality and discrimination laws in the UK.
- Sex Discrimination – Under equality and discrimination laws in the UK, it is illegal for employers to discriminate because of sex.
- Accelerating Equity for Black Women – This unique online event was dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable world for Black women.
- Can We Talk About Childlessness in the Workplace (Not by Choice)? – As an employer, have you ever wondered how you can support your employees who are childless not by choice?
- Improving Workplace Gender Equality and the Gender Pay Gap – This event presented attendees with the opportunity to imagine a gender equal world.
- International Women’s Day 2023: Celebrating Women Leaders – Watch this webinar recording of three spectacular and inspiring women celebrating International Women’s Day 2023
- International Women’s Day: Inspire Inclusion – Dive into a wealth of experience and insights as diverse female leaders take the stage in this recording commemorating International Women’s Day.
- Menopause, Equality, and Inclusion #BreakTheBias – On World Health Day 2022, this webinar continued to explore #BreakTheBias—the theme of International Women’s Day 2022.
- Menopause Matters: Menopause in the Workplace – This session will ensure you’re not missing out on the wealth of talent within the fastest-growing demographic in the UK workforce.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing – Maternity and Fertility Matters – This session discussed fertility issues and baby loss and the ways support can be provided by employers.
Notable dates
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – 25 November is recognised as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, marking the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. These yearly global campaigns unite individuals and organisations to address and combat violence against women and girls.
- International Equal Pay Day – International Pay Day is observed annually on 18 September and was established by the Equal Pay International Coalition in 2019. It aims to raise awareness about ongoing pay gap discrimination and work towards its elimination.
- International Men’s Day (IMD) – International Men’s Day is celebrated annually on 19 November. First formally recognised in the UK in 2010, the event began in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago with UNESCO’s support.
- International Non-Binary People’s Day – International Non-Binary People’s Day is observed annually on 14 July and aims to raise awareness of the issues faced by non-binary people around the world.
- International Women’s Day – International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on 8 March, serves as a key event in the women’s rights movement. IWD highlights critical issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and the prevention of violence and abuse against women.
- Men’s Health Week – The Men’s Health Forum organises Men’s Health Week annually to raise awareness of men’s health and encourage men to seek help for any health concerns. This year, Men’s Health Week UK is running from 10 to 16 June.
- Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month – Movember is an annual event where men grow moustaches in November to raise awareness about men’s health issues, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide.
- Women’s History Month – Women’s History Month is a celebration that both focuses on women’s achievements and reflects on the work that still needs to be done for gender equality around the world. It is celebrated in March in the UK, US, and Australia to correspond with International Women’s Day on 8 March.
- World Menopause Day – World Menopause Day, observed annually on 18 October, aims to raise awareness about the impact of menopause on women’s lives worldwide.
- World Menopause Month – Since 2009, the International Menopause Society (IMS) has organised activities during October for World Menopause Month.