
Charity Sector Roundtable: Diversity, Inclusion, and Wellbeing Initiatives

This session was enei’s first charity sector virtual roundtable and featured guest speakers sharing good practice, key takeaways, and initiatives on wellbeing and belonging. 

18 May 2023


Panel Event: Inclusive Leadership

What does best practice for inclusive leadership look like? This session featured a range of industry experts to direct you along the path on your DEI journey.

16 May 2023


Breaking bias: How AI can revolutionise diversity, equity, and inclusion

As a diversity and inclusion (D&I) lead at enei, Hugh O’Keeffe is always on the lookout for innovative ways to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the workplace.

11 May 2023


DEI Journey Mapping: Finding the Right Path

Each organisation has a different starting point when it comes to diversity and inclusion. In this session, DEI Consultant Debbie Rotchell breaks down key stages of the journey to help you move along the DEI roadmap.  

19 April 2023


Guest Webinar: What is Social Mobility?

This webinar explored the benefits of social mobility (including how it can help employers to access wider, more diverse talent pools) and best practices that could be applied in the workplace.

18 April 2023


International Women’s Day 2023: Celebrating Women Leaders

Watch this webinar recording of three spectacular and inspiring women celebrating International Women’s Day 2023.

8 March 2023

Quick Guide

World Autism Awareness Day

This quick guide explains the significance of World Autism Awareness Day and provides information on how you might celebrate this date and raise awareness in the workplace.

2 March 2023

Quick Guide


Intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of social categories (such as race, gender, class, and sexuality), and how they interact and contribute to systems of oppression and privilege.

23 February 2023

Quick Guide

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) Business Case

This guide summarises the business case for diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI).

13 February 2023

Quick Guide

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) Data

This guide explains to employers the importance of collecting demographic data and illustrates how it can support an organisation’s diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) strategy.

3 February 2023