Quick Guide
Allyship – LGBTQ+
The purpose of this quick guide is to provide an explanation of workplace allyship for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and other (LGBTQ+) communities.
25 May 2023
An Intersectional Approach to Mental Health
Intersectionality asserts that identities overlap, are interdependent, and affect how individuals experience and understand the working environment.
Recognising the impact of intersecting identities and experiences on mental health and wellbeing is crucial to supporting ourselves and our teams.
24 May 2023
Inclusivity isn’t binary
In this blog, enei Service Design and Operations Director Michelle Davies points out that efforts to support LGBTQ+ employees tend to accelerate before June Pride celebrations, but the elephant in the room is present all year. Can anything can be done to address the discrimination and erasure faced by bisexual (bi) and pansexual (pan) people?
23 May 2023
Why include pronouns in e-mail signatures?
As the debate around being politically correct continues to heat up, enei’s Content Editor Heidi Schwartz ponders the purpose of proper pronouns.
27 April 2023
Quick Guide
This guide provides an overview of microaggressions in the workplace, including information to support identifying microaggressions and understanding their impact in the workplace.
16 March 2023
Quick Guide
Lesbian Visibility Day
This quick guide explores ways that employers and managers can support and celebrate their lesbian employees during Lesbian Visibility Day.
9 March 2023
International Women’s Day 2023: Celebrating Women Leaders
Watch this webinar recording of three spectacular and inspiring women celebrating International Women’s Day 2023.
8 March 2023
Gender Identity 101 – Creating Trans Inclusive Workplaces
Watch this webinar to learn how you can create a more inclusive environment for your trans employees and service users.
1 March 2023
Quick Guide
Intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of social categories (such as race, gender, class, and sexuality), and how they interact and contribute to systems of oppression and privilege.
23 February 2023
Quick Guide
International Women’s Day
This quick guide can be used to help inform your workplace during International Women’s Day (IWD).
17 February 2023